Files & Forms Archive

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Manzanita’s Western Roundup Carnival

Manzanita’s Western Roundup Carnival
Sunday, March 6th from 12-4pm
Online Tickets Available Now
Check & Cash Ticket Purchases Begin 2/17
This year’s western-themed carnival is going to be UNFORGETTABLE!
Expect some exciting new activities in addition to some of the old favorites.  There will be MORE food trucks, entertainment, special exhibits/art booths, face painting and much, much more!
In order to make the carnival extra special this year, we ask that you please consider supporting our carnival with a tax-deductible sponsorship to help with the costs of the advertising, entertainment, booths, vendors, prizes & supplies.  Carnival sponsors ($100 +) will be recognized on the carnival banner
displayed outside the school and on promotional materials.
To make an online contribution, please visit our carnival website at and go to the green “Get Tickets” button at the top of the page to make your donation.  After making your payment, please email name to be credited and/or logo as soon as possible to for inclusion on the banner, promotional materials, and FFO website.
Please fill out and return this form to the front office, with your check made payable to “Manzanita FFO.”
Please write “Carnival Sponsorship” in the memo. 
____ Yes, I would like to be a Carnival Sponsor! $100.00 or More
Name to be credited on event banner & promotional materials: _____________________________
*If you would like to have a logo printed on the banner & promotional materials; send in PDF form
Name:  _________________________   Contact Email Address:  _______________________
* The final deadline for Sponsorships to be recognized on the banner is February 19th *
Please be sure to obtain a receipt for your donation. 
Thank you for your support!
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact
Theresa Cesare  or  Michelle Ijams