10 Specific Questions to ask Kids about School
Growth Mindset includes being excited about sharing what happens at school with others. Sometimes our students at Manzanita need a little boost to get the conversations started. The question “How was your day?” will almost always get an answer of “Fine.” Getting specific about the events of the day will give you a better feel for how the day actually went and will likely start a pretty good conversation.
- What is something you did outside?
- Who did you laugh with today?
- What surprised you today?
- Who sat next to you at lunch? What did they eat?
- What made you curious today?
- What is something you did at your desk?
- Did your teacher teach you something new today? What was it?
- What are you proud of that you did today?
- What problem did you solve? Or what problem do you need help solving?
- What one word would you use to describe today?