Files & Forms Archive

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Spring Box Top Contest

The Spring Box Top Contest/Collection is now underway and goes through Wednesday, February 10th.  Our Fall collection earned over $600 for our school to help pay for classroom supplies for our teachers.

Prizes will be awarded to the Top Class and to the Top 2 individual collectors.  One random winner will also be drawn from all submissions.  Every little bit counts!

Please submit your neatly trimmed, non-expired Box Tops to your teacher in a Ziploc bag no later than 2/10.  Be sure to write your student’s name, teacher’s name, and the number of Box Tops you are submitting legibly on the bag.  Neatly trimming the Box Tops and weeding out expired ones before submission helps our Box Tops volunteers tremendously as they counted over 25,000 Box Tops last year.  Taking a few extra minutes to trim makes a huge difference.  Thank you!

If you shop at Sam’s Club, please see the attached flyer for details on how to earn up to $40 of Box Tops per visit by purchasing 12 Box Tops items, or visit  Buy a minimum of 3 items and earn $10.00 for our school now through 7/3/16.

Below is a link to participating products:

Common products that you may already have include Ziploc, Kleenex, Scott, Hefty, Betty Crocker, Bisquick, Gold Medal Flour, Old El Paso, Progresso, Pillsbury, Yoplait Go-Gurt, Motts, Land O’Lakes, Horizon Organic Milk boxes, Green Giant fresh, frozen & canned produce, General Mills cereals (Cheerios, Chex, Total, Wheaties, others), Fiber One, Nature Valley, Ocean Spray & Betty Crocker fruit snacks, and more.

Look for the pencil logo and submit the official coupon portion.  Please note, we do not collect Labels for Education.

Please see the attached flyer for additional details and links for enrolling in eBox Tops from Safeway, Sam’s Club and Albertsons.  eBox Tops earnings are unlimited and involve no clipping or counting.  Savings are automatically credited to Manzanita’s account throughout the year.

The Committee is now also collecting Box Tops throughout the year in the front office collection bin.  Please label the Ziploc bag with your student’s name and teacher’s name so that they can track them and give your student/class credit in the next contest.  If you have any Box Tops that are going to expire before the next official collection date in May, please put them in the office collection bin as soon as possible.  They will be picked up weekly and sent in before they expire.

For questions or to help on the Box Tops Committee, please contact  Good luck with the collection, and thank you for your support!