Files & Forms Archive

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Lice, Illness and warm clothes update


We want to make you aware of the fact that we have had a few cases of lice (the subject no one wants to hear about) in different grade levels.  Please check your child on a regular basis. If you do find any, report it to the health office so we can alert the parents in your child's classroom.  While we try to keep it as confidential as possible, the student often comes to school and shares the information.  Should your child start wearing a hat with the cooler weather, please remind him/her to not share their hats with other students.

Please keep your child home until they have completely recovered from a fever (100 degrees or higher).  Students must be 24 hours fever-free, with no medication, before returning to school. Our guideline for this comes from the Health Department.

If your child has any changes to their health, it is helpful to let the health office know. This includes a new medication they may be taking.  Often, certain medications can make a child feel ill, tired, moody or not hungry, so it is helpful for us to know. Please also inform us of injuries sustained outside of school. 

We are finally getting some cooler weather, especially in the morning.  Please remind your child to bring a jacket or sweatshirt to wear in the mornings. Our younger students all go out for recess in the mornings and sometimes it is chilly out. We do not have jackets at school and we don't let students borrow from the lost and found items.

Thank you for your cooperation!  We want to work together to keep your child safe, happy and warm.