Files & Forms Archive

Monday, December 8, 2014


Midyear Cognitive Abilities Test

In accordance with state requirements, the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is offered at different times during the year.  The midyear administration of the CogAT will be at Manzanita, on Tuesday,
January 6, Wednesday, January 7, and the Friday, January 9, 2015. 

Parents of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students who are new to the school or HAVE NOT been tested in the past two years are eligible to test at this time. Students who are currently receiving gifted services do not retest.

The CogAT is used to identify students for gifted services and is required for students who wish to be considered for Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS). Permission slips are available in the front office.

It is recommended that parents consult with the classroom teacher and/or gifted specialist, Ms. Kalish, before requesting testing.

Parents must request testing in writing by January 5th, 2015.   Forms are available in the school office.  The testing, which is done before school at 7:30 in the IDS room, takes 3 sessions to complete. Students must be present for all three days.